Five Amazing Facts About Tersano for Earth Day!

*Please note we are a commercial cleaning company, unfortunately we do not offer domestic cleaning services.

One of the many lessons that will stay with us long after Covid-19 has passed is the importance of meticulous hygiene. This, of course, applies both in your personal life with hand-washing and proper sneeze and cough etiquette and in the public sphere with regular cleaning and surface disinfection.

Where CCS can make a difference is in the public sphere. As it stands, there is no vaccination or cure for Covid-19. Hence, in the absence of these our primary defences are social-distancing, and increased hygiene.

As businesses begin to reopen, they may decide that their cleaning scope of works has changed. Increased frequency of daily cleaning and thorough deep cleans are the services that we foresee being in high demand.

Surface disinfection is critical in breaking the chain of infection. Therefore, it’s prudent to increase the frequency of cleaning for this reason.

CCS’ dedicated teams are ready to support our customers as they open their doors again. Our teams have received full health and safety training and practice social-distancing as they perform daily and deep-cleans.

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Adapting to changes and staying safe

As we all begin to return to work, we must remember that we are bringing our best asset back into the work environment, our people. Understandably, many of them may be feeling apprehensive. CCS prioritise health and safety training. We ensure that all our team are familiar with new protocols around social distancing and health and safety measures.

Our specialist teams sanitise all areas using our eco-static equipment; this allows us to clean safely and quickly. We pay particular attention to common touchpoints, such as doors, handrails, elevators, cashpoints, service desks, surfaces in canteens and other communal areas, ensuring that these areas are sanitised very frequently.

Regular cleaning and sanitising are not only best practice but are also a critical step in reducing the risk of contracting and spreading viruses. This is a simple, fast and extremely effective way of cleaning your business.

Our specialist teams are already working across Europe delivering this service and creating cleaner and safer environments every day.